The disciplines we offer and what the benefits are

SS Athletics offers a range of classic track and field sports, from PE class staples like the 100-metre sprint to throwing events like shotput and discus. Our approach caters to both casual young athletes looking to make friends and learn a new sport to those considering borough, county or even nation-level competitions.

We take a two-tiered stance towards coaching – We don't just teach children the fundamentals and rules of a sport, but how to do it safely with an emphasis on biomechanics. This could mean correcting an athlete's running form for endurance racing, tweaking their take-off for the long jump, considering arm length for discus throwing and more.

The proof of this methodology is in the pudding, with SS Athletics having produced county-level champions.

Unlock your young athletes' potential – we cater to both Primary and Secondary-school aged children. To find out more, please reach out at 07713 118226.

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Track Sports at SS Athletics Southend


Middle Distance & Endurance 
(400m, 800m, 1,500m and cross-country) 

Middle-distance running occupies a unique place between sprints and long-distance races, which rewards a combination of speed, endurance and tactical prowess (Conserving energy, sprinting for the final stretch, etc). Cross-country running adds mental fortitude into the equation as well.

View Endurance

Middle distance and endurance running is coached by

Ian Pike Endurance Coach 

 Ian Pike (Lead coach)

Nette Taylor - middle distance and endurance coach 

 Nette Taylor

Jason Brown - middle distance and endurance coach 

 Jason Brown


Stuart Smith- Endurance Coach

Stuart Smith

MAddie - Endurance Coach




(60m, 100m and 200m) 

The classic test of speed, sprinters are known for their explosive take-offs, rapid acceleration and, of course, how fast they can run! Races are often won or just by fractions of a second, making every stride and technique vital for sprinting success.

View Sprinting

Sprinting is coached by

 Adam Mccarthy Sprints Coach

Adam McCarthy

(Lead coach)

 Martin Leaver - sprints coach

Martin Leaver


 Daryl Blows - sprints coach

Daryl Blows


 Southend-on-Sea in Athletics

Otis St Clare


(60mh, 100mh and 110mh) 

Hurdles is known as one of the most challenging but potentially rewarding track sports, requiring a combination of explosive power, coordination and endurance. Proper timing and crucial are success, as athletes much maintain momentum while efficiently clearing each hurdle.

View Hurdles

Hurdles are coached by

Adam McCarthy Hurdles Coach  

 Adam McCarthy (Lead coach)

Martin Leaver - hurdles coach 

 Martin Leaver


Field Sports at SS Athletics Southend


An ancient showcase of both strength and precision, javelin throwing is a technical art which requires and rewards explosive power, technique and coordination. Proper grip, approach and release are essential for success in this dynamic and thrilling event.

View Javelin

Javelin is coached by

  Jake Young Lead Javelin Coach

Jake Young

(Lead Coach)

Kobie Dunn Assistant Throws Coach

Kobie Dunn

Daryl Blows - Javelin coach

 Daryl Blows



Long Jump and Standing Long Jump 

Classic tests of athleticism and explosiveness, both the long jump and the standing long jump demand mastery of technique as well as precision and coordination for a proper landing.

View Long Jump

The long jump and standing long jump are coached by

Martin Leaver - sprints coach  

 Martin Leaver

Kaitlyn Lipscombe Long Jump Coach 

Kaitlyn L

 Kerry B - long jump coach 

 Kerry B



Shot Put 

Shot put sees the athlete throw a heavy ball as far as possible with a ‘pushing' motion, challenging and developing their strength, precision and ability to generate force. It's as fun to watch as it is for the athlete to play.

View Shot Put

Shot put is coached by

Jake Young Lead Shot Put Coach 

Jake Young

Mark Futcher Shot put coach  

Mark Futcher

Daryl Blows - Shot Put coach 

Daryl Blows



Triple Jump 

A mesmerising yet demanding display of speed and power. Our athletes naturally develop balance, flexibility and coordination as they drill this precision discipline, which carries over to others ports and day-to-day life.

View Triple Jump

The triple jump is coached by

Martin Leaver - Triple Jump coach  

 Martin Leaver



High Jump 

Competitors aim to clear a horizontal bar set at progressively increasing heights, testing their explosive power, speed and technical skill in the process. This discipline demands, and so develops, the athlete's physical strength and agility as well as their mental focus and determination. 

View High Jump

The High jump is coached by

Martin Leaver - High Jump coach  

 Martin Leaver

 Daryl Blows - High Jump coach 

Daryl Blows


Hammer Throw 

Competitors in this discipline hurl a heavy metal ball, attached to a wire and handle, as far as possible using a rotation technique. The hammer throw requires exceptional coordination, balance and timing, and as both our athletes and coaches can attest is great fun to learn.

View Hammer Throw

The hammer throw is coached by

 placeholder for a coach image 

Mark Futcher




An ancient display of strength, technique and precision, the athlete launches a heavy disc as far as possible within a designated throwing area. Our coaching covers the intricacies of the discus throw, perfecting the technique of each athlete based on their unique build and skills.

View Discus

The discus is coached by

placeholder for a coach image  

Mark Futcher

Daryl Blows - Discus coach 

Daryl Blows


Looking to find out more about our coaches?

Click here to read more about the team, what motivates them and the role they play at SS Athletics.

Our Team


SS Athletics Southend develops skills, builds confidence and forges friendships

If you are interested in signing your primary or secondary-school aged child(ren) up with us, please give us a call at:

07713 118226

Or reach out to us by emailing us at:

Opening Hours

Monday – 17:00 – 19:00

Wednesday – 17:00 – 19:00

Friday – 17:00 – 19:00

the SSAthletics logo - a figure running with a red movement blur behind him

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